Enchong Dy, Di Kinaya Si Kim Tiu

We overheard that in every performance, the performer always tries their best. But unexpected things happen that is beyond our control. Even you have tried their best, practiced day and night to perfect the show, unexpected things sometimes happen. This usually happen on live television.

 This happened with an actor Enchong Dee when she tried to carry the beautiful actress Kim Tiu. We overheard that Enchong Dee carried Kim and unexpectedly he got out of balance. Things happens fast and unexpected sometimes but some of our unexpected errors can help us in the future. 

We salute the performance of Enchong Dee and Kim Tiu. They are  good TV personalities and are popular celebrities today. Kim Tiu has a lot of followers and fans that support her. Enchong Dee is a very talented actor which also has a lot of fans and followers. A lot of people watch them in their shows and tv guestings. 

   You can watch the video at this link 


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